We are gathered here to remember Dorothy Hess, a loving mother and grandmother, a friend and a servant of the Lord. We should be here not to mourn her passing, but to celebrate her joyous arrival into heaven.
She was a simple woman and a true pioneer. She often remembers teaching grades 1-6 in a one room school during frigid Montana winters when the woodstove had to be started at about 5:00 am to thaw drinking water out and to warm the schoolhouse.
She grew up in the small town of Harlowton, Montana and was the daughter of a mother who was widowed during the Great Depression when she (Dorothy) was only seven. She grew up during the Depression and was strengthened by her faith. It helped make her the woman she grew to be.
She married and remained faithful to her husband Orrell of 72 years until his passing. During his career in the US Air Force, they moved often and she made a new family home of each duty station.
She held to her values of family, home and church until she passed on January 6, 2020. Although we will miss her, we can take comfort in her welcome into heaven when she will hear directly form the mouth of Jesus, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.”