Helen Lou Ross, author and Medal of Honor historian, died on January 15, 2006 at Claremont East Retirement Apartments in Bremerton, Washington. She was born on January 18, 1913 in Chicago, Illinois to Otto Lenau Meyer and Louise Geng. An athletic young woman, Helen swam with the first-ever synchronized swimming group, the Modern Mermaids, at the Chicago World's Fair in 1934. After graduating from Teachers' College in Chicago and the University of Dubuque in Iowa, she taught journalism, sciences and physical education at high schools in Delhi and Spenser, Iowa. By 1940 she was adventuring and studying at the University of Hawaii, and fell in love with the island's culture. Later she worked as the Assistant Food Inspector for the Army at Fort Amstrong in Honolulu. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Helen married Warrant Officer Donald Kirby Ross, USN on January 7, 1942. He later received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions aboard the USS Nevada on December 7, 1941. A few months later, Helen was evacuated to the mainland, coming to Bremerton for the first time. A journalist since high school, Helen launched her professional writing career in Alexandria, Virginia while now Captain Ross was stationed in Washington, D.C. Upon his retirement outside Port Orchard, Helen's feature stories appeared in the Port Orchard Independent, The Tacoma News Tribune and numerous state and national magazines. The family, now numbering six, became well known as breeders and showmen of Milking Shorthorn cattle. Helen served as president of the State Dairy Wives Association and Secretary of the State Milking Shorthorn Association. In 1969, Helen was recognized as Kitsap County's Woman of Achievement. She served as State President of the National League of American Pen Women during the 1980's and established her own press, Rokalu Press, about this time. Helen Lou Ross is the author of "A Touch of Smile" (1976); "Men of Valor" (1980); "0755 The Heroes of Pearl Harbor" (1988); and in 1991 co-author of "Nipsic to Nimitz, a Centennial History of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard". She is the sponsor of the USS Ross, a guided missile destroyer named after her late husband and christened by her in 1996. Retired Capt. Donald K. Ross preceded her in death, as did her youngest son, Fred Rockwell Ross. She is survived by son Robert Allen Ross of Port Orchard, two daughters, Donna Branch-Gilby (Bob) of Tucson, Arizona and Penny Lou Hoffman (Dan) of Vancouver, Washington; a grandson, Toby Branch, A.I.A., of Denver, two granddaughters, Dr. Michelle Williams, M.D. of Tucson and Rebecca Waddell of Vancouver, Washington; six great-grandchildren; a nephew, Boyd Diblik of Atlanta, Georgia; and a niece Mary Alyce Paul of Sun City, Arizona. A Celebration of Life will be held at Crossroads Community Church, 7555 Old Military Road NE, Bremerton on Saturday, February 11, 2006 at 11:00 am. Reception to follow. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Captain and Helen Ross Nursing Scholarship at: Olympic College, c/o Financial Aid, 1600 Chester Avenue, Bremerton, WA 98337.