Beloved daughter, mother, sister and friend. Jann L. Reber of Mentor, Ohio, passed away unexpectedly on April 19, 2007 while visiting family and friends in Port Orchard. Jann was born in Seattle, WA on December 19, 1956. Her family moved to Port Orchard where she attended local schools, graduating from South Kitsap High School in 1975. She worked at the Social Security Office in Seattle before moving to Ohio in 1977 where she worked at Case Western Reserve as a locksmith. Jann was a joyous mother and took great delight in her sons, Kyle and Gregory Kovacs. She was so proud of them and celebrated their recent graduations from college. She loved to read, camp and spend time with her family and friends. She was a strong, independent woman with a fun-loving spirit, an amazing memory and an infectious laugh. She enriched our lives and will be greatly missed. She is survived by her parents, Charles and Norma Harris, Port Orchard, WA, her sons Kyle and Gregory Kovacs, Columbus, OH, her brother Kenneth, Port Orchard, WA and Robert Harris, Seattle, WA, Grandfather J.B. McFarland, Grandmother Lorna Baker, Aunt Janice Czannetzke, Uncles Vern (Darlene) and William (Beth) Stremel, cousins and her many special friends. A memorial service and celebration of her life will be at 2 p.m. April 25 at First Christian Church, 4885 SW Hovde Rd, Port Orchard. Memorial contributions can be made to Toys for Tots.