On January 19, 2011, Jerry Don Jenkins passed away in his sleep due to heart failure. He retired 4 years ago from a fulfilling career in civil service as a Machinist. He leaves behind his brother Jim Jenkins & wife Maureen of Lenore, ID; step- children Stephen Mundy and Joneene Bell; natural children Joseph and Janae Jenkins of Port Orchard, and Kevin Olson of Lewiston, ID. He also leaves behind a multitude of other family and friends and natural grandchildren Logan Jenkins and Owen Hayes. Jerry grew up in the Northwest, mostly Oregon and Idaho and settled in Port Orchard as an adult. Many will remember him for his love of collecting and refurbishing older vehicles, family fishing trips, his quirky sense of humor, and his devotion to family and friends. He was 61 when he passed and will be sorely missed by all that knew and loved him. There will be a wake held in his honor within the coming weeks. If you wish to attend, please contact his youngest son and daughter Janae or Joe Jenkins.