Mom was born January 8, 1926 to John Hughes & Elizabeth Robinson. She attended school in Beverly, Massachusetts. She married Norman J. Bennett on May 24, 1950. She and Norman lived in Beverly Farms in Massachuseets and had three boys Rick, Mark, Peter and a girl, Wendy. Norman died November 1, 1981.
She remarried Wil Phillips May 20, 1995 and they lived in Punta Gorda, Florida from 1992 to 2007. Wil’s sister Dot, introduced Norman & Mary, and after Norman died (and Wil’s wife had died) Dot introduce Wil & Mary. The funny part is that Wil & Norman grew up together in Beverly Farms, but Wil had moved away before Norman met Mary.
Mom worked as a Bookkeeper and Program Manager. She was a person who was giving of herself and always wanted to help others.
Holidays were special when the kids were still at home, three branches of the family would meet for celebration. She enjoyed any trip to “camp” in Lincoln, New Hampshire, spending time in St. Johns & St. Peters church, and Florida. Among her favorite experiences in life were her cross country trip in 1955 with Chris & Ruthann and her trip to England in 1979. She also liked hiking, painting, word games, free cell, and was a scout leader. She was a member of the Episcopal diocese of Boston, Massachusetts.
My fondest memory was of her 80th birthday. We planned a secret surprise for her. All four kids & their spouses arrived at her home in Florida on her birthday. As my Step dad Wil said: “Good job Rick, you made your Mom cry”.
She leaves behind four children & 4 step children, and many Grandchildren & Great-Grandchildren. As well as “KADO” the cat & “Count” the Golden Retriever.