Born Nibitanga Noella in Bujumbura Burundi, Noella was the eldest of six children. She was the first in her family to find the Lord, at age 14. She went to church and tried to help in any capacity she could. As a young adult she would work and provide for her family, while also attending secondary school. She met her husband, Mackenzie Harris at the age of 21 in Bujumbura. She was married on December 15, 2012. After more than two years, Noella was finally able to immigrate to the U.S. and be united with her husband in March of 2015. Noella started to attend Harper Church in 2016 and would begin to build relationships within the Women's ministries. Her passion was to help and serve in the church, as well as support needy children and families in Burundi. In January 2018 she would have her first son, Solomon. She would have 2 more sons, Malachi in January 2020, and Obadiah in November 2021. Noella was a loving and devoted mother and wife until her passing.