Norma “Jean” (Adams) Richardson Beloved Christian, Musician, Friend, Mother, Grandmother June 2, 1925 – February 17, 2010 After a brave fight with cancer, Jean Richardson joined her Heavenly Father, on February 17, 2010. She was preceded in death by her precious husband Jim, in 1985. Jean was the third child born to Bess and Jess Adams, on June 2, 1925, in Vancouver, Washington. After graduation in 1943 from Vancouver High School, Jean attended Washington State University, where she studied home economics. Jean married James Stuart Richardson, October 18, 1944. Jean was an accomplished secretary during many years of office work, as Jim’s aviation career during WWII with the Army Air Corps and subsequent 30 years with Boeing took the couple throughout the nation. She continued using her skills to serve as a volunteer in her church office, until just recently. Jim and Jean were enthusiastic wood boaters, fishing Puget Sound and exploring waters north of the Canadian Gulf Islands. When she became a young widow, Jean traveled to the British and Hawaiian Isles with faithful friends. Jean became a pianist at the age of six, happily rising early before school to practice every day. She became a favorite accompanist as a student in the Vancouver schools, and joked about how much class she got to miss for a “duty” she loved. Jean accompanied performing groups for the rest of her life, until her illness limited her energy. She still frequently played the classics on her piano at home, until just weeks before her passing. Other life-long hobbies were stamp-collecting, sewing, baking, and Jean was an avid reader. Jean was loved by so many groups of friends: church choir, praise team, Bible study, service groups, Birthday Bunch, Bridge Club, Bunco, Red Hatters,…. Jean made friends wherever she went; her surviving fan clubs hail from all over the country, and beyond. Jean was a devoted wife to Jim, and provided a beautiful home filled with home-made goodness. When Jim was disabled by several strokes in 1980, Jean became his faithful 24/7 caregiver. She arranged her home, her schedule and her priorities around Jim’s every need. Jean became an expert at adaptive equipment, tube feedings, and medical procedures usually covered by a Registered Nurse. Jean secured a mobile access van, so she could transport Jim to important events, including weekly church, family weddings, and even two extended visits to Annie and Dan in Vancouver, when they purchased their first home and again to visit Jean and Jim’s first grandchild, Nathan. Jean gave her all to her three children, as homemaker, gourmet chef, seamstress, Cub Scout and Camp Fire Leader, and constant chauffer. Jean’s children are Mark (Katharine) of Kent, Annie (Dan) Kontos of Port Orchard, and Miles (Teena) of Normandy Park. Jean was an active and involved grandmother to her seven grandchildren: Nate (& wife Natalie), Valerie, Andrew, Kaitlyn, Peter, Jon and Conner. Jean’s commitment to her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ began as a child and never waivered. She studied the Bible and prayed every day. A public viewing of Jean Richardson was hosted by her family at Rill's Life Tribute Center in Port Orchard on Tuesday, February 23rd. A family burial service took place at Willamette National Cemetery in Portland February 26, at Jean and Jim's grave site D-3715. Memorial services honoring Jean were hosted by her family on February 22nd at Steel Lake Presbyterian Church in Federal Way; and on March 13th at Adventure of Faith Presbyterian Church in Port Orchard. A video tribute featuring more than 50 beautiful pictures of Jean throughout her life was shared at her March 13th Memorial Service. If interested in a copy of the video tribute, please contact Annie or Dan Kontos at
or Rill's Life Tribute Center at
. Donations can be made in Jean’s name to: Adventure of Faith Presbyterian Church, Port Orchard,; Steel Lake Presbyterian Church, Federal Way,
; or Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation,