Oliveia Merie Jacobs a.k.a Chelcie Anne Jacobs passed away 25 March 2016. She was born 23 August 1991. Olive was born at home she grew to be a free spirited young lady who loved everyone. Olive is survived by her mother Kathrine Neary, her sister Rayana Neary, grandmother Marian Warner, her father James Jacobs, her stepmom Leah Jacobs, sister Amber Jacobs and sister Samantha Jacobs. She was preceded by her little sister Holly Rose Jacobs, her Grandfather Harry Westervelt Warner, and Uncle Steven Warner.
Oliveia was a sensitive soul, she would light up a room with her smile and laughter. She loved being a healer, her work as a massage therapist, helping to alleviate her patient’s pain brought her a sense of peace. Oliveia loved Art, she used so many mediums from charcoal, acrylic, water colors and enjoyed photography as well. Olive’s work was as vibrant and full of color as she was. Olive always put everything she had into everything she put her whole heart into it. Late night hikes were not uncommon, neither was deciding on a whim to go camping.
Olive would often be silly and make others laugh. We would turn on the music and dance together, she would spin Ray until they were both dizzy. So many hikes down to Ape caves to Ruby Beach, up Green Mountain and one time we were hiking at Tawana state park and Olive found a baby owl. She was the only one who noticed the little one hiding, because of her the ranger said the baby would be saved.
Olive loved to cook, we would have amazing gatherings of friends and family. We spent many evenings together in the kitchen making elaborate meals. Everyone talking, laughing and being together. Family meant a lot to Olive she was there for her sister Rayana’s birth she gave Rayana her first bath. Olive was very close to her little sister Rayana, She introduced Ray to all the things she loved like drawing, painting and dancing.
Oliveia took up Fire dancing a few years back she was amazing, the spins and throws. So much energy so much color she put her whole heart into everything. She will be always in our hearts.