April 30, 1935
Oliver was born in a small cabin behind the capitol building in Boise, Idaho, the only child of Fred and Florence Call. At an early age Oliver and family moved to Republic, WA. where they established a Hog and Cattle Ranch. During early school years he raised rabbits to earn spending money. As a teen he hired out to neighboring ranchers, insisting on being paid a man’s wages for doing a man’s job. During high school years he worked at the local lumber mill loading box cars with lumber, competing on the high school foot ball team, and completing ranch chores as required by Mom and Dad.
June 1953
Upon graduation from Republic High he jumped on his Harley and headed for the Bremerton Naval Shipyard where he completed a four year apprenticeship as a Pipe Coverer and Insulator. Upon completion of this course he was released from the Shipyard due to a Reduction In Force (RIF). During this time he also joined the Army Reserves, serving as a cook. His kitchen became a favorite place for the officers to get their meals.
April 1955 - 1971
Spring of 55 he met his soon to be bride Sharon Moore. They were married July 27, 1957 and moved into an apartment located by the Bremerton City Park. Upon release from the Bremerton Shipyard Ollie was accepted into Asbestos Workers Local 7 of Seattle and the newlyweds traveled for work to the Washington Coast and then to Idaho Falls, Idaho. Their first daughter, Dorene Call (Shinn), was born December 21, 1958 in Seattle and the younger daughter Tammy Call (Jones) came along February 27, 1962 in Bremerton, WA.. During the sixties Oliver found steady work with Fiberglass Insulation, which allowed the family to set down roots in The Port Orchard area. A newly built home was purchased in Parkwood Estates, a planned residential community. As founding members of the Parkwood Community Club he donated labor to the building of the Clubhouse and Pool. During the ten years the family lived in Parkwood, Ollie completed his time serving in the Army Reserves, then joined the South Kitsap Volunteer Fire Department, becoming Station Chief of the Yukon Harbor Fire Station. As a member of the Port Orchard Yacht Club the family enjoyed boating with members and helped with club work parties. He was involved with the Union, eventually serving as President of Heat and Frost Insulators Local 7 and was selected to travel to University of Ohio to help write the book on correct technique of pipe covering and insulation.
1972 - 2022
Oliver and family moved to a five acre property when his parents could no longer manage the horse they had been keeping for their grand – daughters. A new home site was established, outbuildings built to accommodate livestock and fencing to keep animals safe. Ollie continued to volunteer with the Fire Department, was an involved Union Member and a hard working Kitsap Saddle Cub member. He soon became the Kitchen Chairmen providing food for club events and served as club President four times. In addition to all these activities he also gave time to Little Britches Junior Rodeo, the Kitsap Conservation District, Washington State Horse Council and Washington State Horsemen. He enjoyed playing Santa at the Saddle Club, fire stations and Pre-School his grand-children attended. He was always there for his girls and truly loved serving the community.
November 29, 2022
Oliver is survived by wife Sharon Call, daughters Dorene Shinn and Tammy Call-Jones (Lee), granddaughters Callie and Delanie Jones, grandsons Kenneth (Dejah) and Richard New (Erin), and four great grandchildren with a fifth expected to arrive in March 2023 whose middle name will be Oliver.
I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.
- John Wayne
What’s the secret of success? Right decisions. How do you make right decisions? Experience. How do you get experience? Wrong decisions.
- John Wayne