Pragniemy powiadomic rodzine pizyiacioi i znajomych o smierci Zbigniewa Kos w dniu 14-tego pazdziernika 2004 roku Nabozenstwo poqizebowe odbedzie sie w domu poqizebowym Rills Chaple w miescie Port Orchard w stanie Washington. Prosimy o modlitwe o spokoj ieqo duszy. Zona Krystyna, corki z vodzinami oraz syn Piotr In Loving Memory of a man who loved and was loved in return by those who shared his life and times. Zbigniew will be truly missed and his place in our hearts can never be filled by anyone. We now entrust him to the one God our Father. He is at peace. A time of visitation will be on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at Rill Chapel in Port Orchard, Washington.